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SONiC hands-on training - Module 4 - Lab 2 – VRRP Configuration

You are a network engineer tasked with configuring VRRP. You have two switches – SW1 and SW2, which are connected to a simple switch. 
There’s also an end host connected to the switch which is already pre-configured.
 Configure a VRRP between SW1 and SW2 – SW1 should be a Master router and SW2 should be a back-up router.
The SW1, SW2 and PC1 are connected to the pre-configured SW-N switch.

Step 1: Configure interfaces on SW1 and SW2 

  • Log in to the switches (SW1, SW2) using the default credentials, use the Klish CLI. Configure properly an interfaces that are connected to SW-N. 
  • Step 2: Configure VRRP 

Configure VRRP of both switches (SW1, SW2). They should be in group 10, and the Virtual IP should be Disable preemption on both routers. Make SW1 master router by configuring priority to 200 in this switch. 

  • Step 3: Check if the VRRP is properly configured 

Use command show vrrp to check if VRRP is properly configured – SW1 should be MASTER, and SW2 should be BACKUP router. Try to ping from PC1 to see if the connection works. 

  • Step 4: Disable and Enable the Ethernet0 port on SW1 switch to see if no preempt works. 

Disable the Ethernet0 port on SW1 switch, and after that check the vrrp using command show vrrp to check the status of SW1 – after reset SW1 should be the backup router. 

  • Default credentials: admin / YourPaSsWoRd
  • Remember to assign the IP address to the interfaces before you’ll configure the VRRP
  • Remember – to disable preemption use command no preempt
  • To change the priority of the Router in VRRP use priority command
  • The names of the virtual computers are different in remote access to those shown on the topology. Virtual computers and their counterparts in remote access are motioned below:
    • SW1 – mod4lab2-sw1
    • SW2 – mod4lab2-sw2
    • PC1 – mod4lab2-vpc1
  • Credentials for Virtual computer is login: root password: route2open 
The aim of the lab is to gain hands-on experience in configuring VRRP.

Step 1: Configure interfaces on SW1 and SW2 


1. sonic(config)# interface Ethernet0 

2. sonic(configifEthernet0)# ip address 

3. sonic(configifEthernet0)# no shutdown 


1. sonic(config)# interface Ethernet1 

2. sonic(configifEthernet0)# ip address 

3. sonic(configifEthernet0)# no shutdown 

Step 2: Configure VRRP 


1. sonic(config)# interface Ethernet0 

2. sonic(configifEthernet0)# vrrp 10 addressfamily ipv4 

3. sonic(configifEthernet0vrrpipv410)# vip 

4. sonic(configifEthernet0vrrpipv410)# no preempt  

5. sonic(configifEthernet0vrrpipv410)# priority 200 



1. sonic(config)# interface Ethernet1 

2. sonic(configifEthernet1)# vrrp 10 addressfamily ipv4 

3. sonic(configifEthernet1vrrpipv410)# vip 

4. sonic(configifEthernet1vrrpipv410)# no preempt 


Step 3: Check if the VRRP is properly configured 


1. sonic(config)# show vrrp 

2.      Interface_Name  VRID   State             VIP  Cfg_Prio  Curr_Prio 

3.           Ethernet0    10  Master        200         200 


1. sonic(config)# show vrrp 

2.      Interface_Name  VRID   State             VIP  Cfg_Prio  Curr_Prio 

3.           Ethernet0    10  Backup        100         100 


1. PC1> ping 

3. 84 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.443 ms 

4. 84 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.374 ms 

5. 84 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=4.073 ms 

6. 84 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=6.993 ms 


Step 4: Disable and Enable the Ethernet0 port on SW1 switch to see if no preempt works. 


1. sonic(config)# interface Ethernet0 

2. sonic(configifEthernet0)# shutdown 

3. sonic(configifEthernet0)# no shutdown 

4. sonic(configifEthernet0)# exit 

5. sonic(config)# show vrrp 

    Interface_Name  VRID   State      VIP  Cfg_Prio  Curr_Prio 

          Ethernet0    10  Down   200     200 



1. sonic(config)# show vrrp 

2.      Interface_Name  VRID   State             VIP  Cfg_Prio  Curr_Prio 

3.           Ethernet0    10  Master        200         200 



1. PC1> ping 

3. 84 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.443 ms 

4. 84 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.374 ms 

5. 84 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=4.073 ms 

6. 84 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=6.993 ms